The good news of the kingdom of Jesus
You might have heard a story about how the world began, how the universe came to be. Some say there was a big bang, others say we can’t know, but a man called Jesus of Nazareth made a different claim. He said that he was the one who, alongside God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit – directly created the universe and everything in it. He confirmed the authenticity of his message by rising from the dead, and fulfilling over 300 profound predictions written down and translated hundreds of years before his birth. This is his account of where we come from, where we are now, and where we are going.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the universe and everything in it. It was very good, there was no such thing as suffering, sickness, disease, disaster or death. It was perfect. Our greatest ancestors or grandparents (Adam and Eve) were created and placed into a perfect world full of peace and harmony. Death didn’t exist.
God gave them one instruction, which was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The bible speaks of two kinds of knowledge, knowledge of information, and knowledge of experience. Adam and Eve had never experienced evil, but they understood what they should and should not do. God said if you eat of that tree, you will surely die.
Adam and Eve rebelled against God, and something terrible happened. They now knew evil. They were now spiritually dead. They were cut off from God in a way they had never experienced before. They felt shame. From this moment, a clock began ticking, the ageing process began, and their days were numbered. The animals were also affected, the creation was affected – weeds, thorns and thistles sprung into existence – all these things came as a consequence to sin. The bible says that all of creation is groaning for the revealing of the children of God. This is because it is yearning for a restoration back to God’s original blue print.
1500 or so years after Adam and Eve something drastic happened. The world became so evil, that it records that everything everyone did was evil continuously. All except for one man and his family – Noah. Over 300 cultures around the world, across every continent record a global flood event, where the water rose above every mountain. The world was destroyed – God judged the world and spared Noah and his family.
The world was then repopulated, and people spread out and various nations were born.
Gods plan for the nations to seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. But they didn’t. They turned to false gods, idols, child sacrifice, and great evil.
He chose a man called Abraham who was a man of faith, and from him – a nation arose. The nation of Israel.
From this nation God spoke through different people who were filled with the Spirit of God, the prophesied that there would be a coming Messiah, a Christ (saviour) who would suffer and die, and take upon himself the full penalty of our sins, to pay the debt.
When our grandparents sinned, the sin nature was stamped on the human race. All their offspring (which includes you and I) have been imprinted with a sin nature, and we all fall short of Gods righteous standard. The world righteous isn’t a religious word. It means to be rightly positioned before a governing authority.
None of us are right before God without Jesus.
We have all sinned, whether it be the lies we have told, things we’ve stolen, whether we have carried hatred in our hearts, or have cheated others – we all fall short.
One day we will stand before God and give an account for everything we have ever thought, said or done. Because God is just, he cannot let a wicked person go without justice.
This is why Jesus had to die. The penalty of sin is death. But 2000 years ago, God became a man – Jesus, he lived a perfect life. Even though he was tempted in every way we are, he never once sinned. Although he never sinned, he still died. A legal transaction happened on the cross for those that repent and believe in him.
After the romans crucified him, Jesus was buried in a tomb, and three days later, was raised from the dead, he defeated death.
He physically died, and physically came back from the grave.
He commands all people everything to turn away from their sins (repent), and trust in him. This is the beginning of what the bible calls becoming “born again”.
God will wash away your sins, and make you white like snow.
In the time of the early Church and the apostles – the way Jesus commanded people to respond to this good news of forgiveness was by being baptized.
Baptism also isn’t a religious word. It means to be dunked under, or immersed. Jumping into a pool is like a baptism in water.
Jesus commanded his followers to baptise people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Later Peter the apostle preached in Acts 2 telling all those listening they must repent, and be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and they will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I firmly believe this is Gods intentioned for us today. If you are asking “What must I do now” in response the message of the good news of Gods kingdom. It’s to repent, be baptised on Water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – and receive the gift of Gods Holy Spirit.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a powerful experience where you are filled with Gods Spirit, he changes your desires, he makes you a new creation spiritually.
This then begins a journey of the transformation of the mind.
We are 3 parts. Body, soul and spirit. The soul is comprised of our mind, will and emotions. The bible tells us to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. This is the journey of discipleship. Learning to be like Jesus.
The bible tells us that those who believe, have been pre-destined to be conformed to the image of Gods Son Jesus.
There is no better news than this!
But this beginning is just that, the beginning. God’s plan doesn’t end with us as individuals. Jesus said that he is coming again. A restoration is coming to return Gods creation back to its original intent. He will take what was broken, and make it whole.
There will be no more sin, and everything sin brought about. There will be no more suffering, sickness, disease, disaster or death.
Whoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.